Among the many website metrics you should monitor on a consistent basis, few can offer greater insight into whether your website is effective or not than the amount of time people spend on it.

After all, the more time someone spends on your site, the more they are learning about your business. This makes them more likely to become a paying customer.

One study found that the average person spends 2 minutes and 17 seconds on a website, though this can vary by industry. Your design and content will play a direct role in whether you achieve (or exceed) this benchmark, or if you fall short.

Keep the Layout Simple & Attractive

Quite often, when someone clicks on your website, they are looking for something specific. Maybe they want information about your services. Maybe they are already interested in your products after viewing a Facebook ad and want to make a purchase.

Unfortunately, if your layout is a jumbled mess, they are likely to click away. The website looks too confusing and overwhelming to be worth their time.

To avoid this pitfall, use as simple of a layout as possible. Nest menu items at the top, and try to limit the total number of menu options for users to click on. Use on-brand coloring and font, as well as plenty of white space. A few simple tweaks to clean up a jumbled design is often all that is needed.

Use Quality Imagery

Most people are visual learners. That means that when they visit your website, they don’t want to see a big block of text. In fact, too much wordiness can be intimidating and drive away visitors.

Instead, break up your content with attractive, high-quality imagery. Research from the Aberdeen Group found that websites that focused on “visual engagement” increased revenue by as much as 83 percent compared to their competition.

Successful websites will often use large, bold images that draw the eye — especially on the home page. Whether you use infographics, product images, or even photos of your team, get visual! These images can be paired with a strong call to action that entices people to click to learn more.

Provide What They’re Looking For

Far too many businesses use their website as a digital brochure. If the potential customer really wants to get to know more about the brand, they have to call to speak to a sales rep.

Like it or not, that is increasingly unlikely in the digital age. Customers want to find all the information they need on your website. They don’t want to take the extra step to call or email someone to learn about pricing.

When you provide quality information, your visitors can make an informed decision then and there. This gets them to spend more time on your site (sending ranking signals to Google), but it also ensures that you won’t waste time on sales calls with people who ultimately aren’t interested in what you have to offer.

Make a Website Where People Will Want to Spend Their Time

Getting people to spend more time on your website comes down to three things: quality content, an attractive design, and meeting the basic functionality users expect when visiting a website.

When you can deliver on these three things, your website will be easier to use, and as a result, provide greater value to visitors. This will encourage them to spend more time on your site, which will lead to the leads and conversions you seek.