There’s no denying that an engaging, attractive home page is essential for any business website. After all, the home page will provide a valuable first impression about your company and what it has to offer prospective customers.

But to rank well in SEO and to better engage your visitors, you’ll need more than just a home page. The following pages are must-haves for any website, no matter what your company does or how “big” you want your website to be.

1. Products/Services Pages

Your home page may provide an overview of what you do or what you offer, but a dedicated products or services page will let you go into more detail. For a services page, you could include a synopsis of what you do, or make a bullet point list with brief explanations. This is also a good chance to highlight why customers should choose you over the competition — be it special certifications, or testimonials from past customers.

For products, you’ll want both an overview page that briefly summarizes your product offerings, as well as individual pages with more information for each product. Individual product pages are a must if you plan on letting customers shop online. Include product specifications, descriptions of features and benefits, and customer reviews.

2. Blog

Your blog is where you can share the latest updates from your company — and where you can do a lot to boost your SEO rankings. Your blog could cover the latest news and press releases from your business, such as information about a new product launch. It can also be used to share “evergreen” posts with content that is related to your industry. For example, an auto repair shop could write posts explaining how often drivers need oil changes or other services. 

Quality, relevant information will keep your audience coming back on a regular basis, and could even help turn visitors into leads and sales. 

3. About Page

The about page is where you give visitors a peek behind the curtain. This is where they can learn more about the people behind your company, as well as your business’s history. You don’t have to include everything, but offer details that help you stand apart from the competition.

Going back to the auto repair shop example, this could include details like the year the repair shop opened, any certifications held by the mechanics, and so on. A brief story of how the company has grown over the years, as well as pictures and biographies of your staff, can help strengthen connections with customers.

4. Contact Us Page

Today’s customers want it to be easy to connect with the companies they do business with. Your contact us page provides a one-stop location where you can provide your phone number, email address, links to social media accounts, or even a contact form. If you run a physical storefront that serves customers, include the address and business hours.

Building Blocks For Success

You don’t need to have hundreds of pages to create a strong website — in fact, that can easily get overwhelming for your visitors! By focusing on these key areas, you can build a strong foundation for an engaging, yet easy to navigate online experience. This will help you make a great impression as you try to expand to a digital audience.